To celebrate hitting my latest follower milestone on Instagram, I invited readers to ask questions about my endless enthusiasm for cuisine and culture. This is a peak into how my food blog was born, and how my brand has evolved over the past decade.Continue Reading

This article is written by my friend Marcus Lowther, a CrossFit coach and co-owner of CrossFit Tysons Corner in Vienna, Virginia. He’s seen plenty of food trends come and go during more than a decade involved in the CrossFit community. But a long-term dietary change he’s made is using cassava flour, often in place of traditional white flour. If you associate “healthy food” with sacrificing enjoyment, you’ll understand why he’s gone through a lot of trial and error with cassava flour. Continue Reading

Shumai photograph

Six years ago, in May 2014, I started @platelessordinary on Instagram as a way to document my life in food. It’s hard for me to believe how fast the time has flown by. I decided to mark this anniversary by taking a virtual stroll down memory lane to browse some of the nearly 1400 entries I’ve posted on that platform. Yes, nearly 1400! In the process I realized a lot about technology, my tastes, and whether I should keep creating content.Continue Reading

New Year’s resolutions really aren’t my thing. Too easy for me to get hyped up in early January and then lose steam a few weeks later. Then I feel bad about not fulfilling my goals. . .and then the whole notion of starting the year on a positive path isContinue Reading

Candy pile with Mr. Goodbar.

The week after Halloween is the real magic period when many office-dwelling adults like myself get to enjoy the spoils of the holiday. That’s because the time of merely sneaking a piece of candy or two before kids arrive is over. Now is our time to indulge in bountiful buckets of candy leftovers. So what candy are you most coveting?Continue Reading